I have been doing more reading and reviewing for Amazon.ca via a review group I joined. Such a lovely group of people! The three I have read so far had all had great merit in their own way and thankfully all very different! I am not really interested with the romance end of things that seems to be predominant in almost all genres these days and I can relate however be for warned, I am a prude and there won't be anything hot or heavy in my books! lol! I never would kiss and tell! lol! I am going to create a link review page on this website. Why not? If I can help other authors find their way, what the hey! Just been reading about the golden thirds for writing. I know it well for painting however I thought this was interesting. One third to writing, I third to online promoting and one third to helping other writers. This all sounds fine and dandy but a person has to eat! And I think there is an elemet of the creative process that is getting over looked. When one is in the groove, it isn't just because you flipped a switch and said, "ok, now I am going to do this". Creativity, no matter how disciplined you are, needs time to compost and the sooner that is recognized the easier it is to really get in the groove. Many think procrastination is doing nothing, and I disagree! In that time when you feel your not being productive, it can be the most productive time of all! Why do you think you go to bed with an issue and wake up with the answer! Just because your not actually physically DOING something doesn't mean your not processing and doing something! Which means when you try to bounce from one third to the next and back, there has to be a grace period where you cut yourself some slack or even your procrastination time will be wasted! I have learned, less is more sometimes and there are times when you have to go out, kick up your heels and have fun and leave the golden thirds, fourths or whatever your using at the door! Trust me, your poor ole creative mind will love you for it! Happy writing and promoting!
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June 2024
AuthorArtist, Buddhist, Educator, Traveller, Cabinet Maker, kayaker, etc and now writer! |