If you are in the same boat as me, you are working a regular job, trying to find time to write and edit and publish your own books. If I was retired or able to just work at the book gig then it would be different, however often we only have pockets of windows of time to actually do anything.
It isn't easy to juggle everything and there is so much I am finding that is expected even in the marketing aspect of this. For instance, I am taking a course on blogging that is really not bad on Fiverr. Oh, what is Fiverr? Fiverr is a Freelance Marketing Place. It started with being about to hire someone to do something for you for five bucks! now it is more just the name and most folks have packages so you can get things like you book placed on different blogs or websites, I got translations done there and some other things. It is a handy place to find professionals who can do all sorts of things for you! Anyhow, so it seems, there is SOOO much now that can be done with these blogs to make them better and so on. The thing is, I don't have time right now. And you may not also. From one person I listened to, there are now over 150,000. books on Amazon and more coming every day. That is a great deal of competition! And getting the algorithm to work on Amazon to get views requires reviews. These reviews are supposed to only be done certain ways which is fine however everything takes time!!!! Currently I am getting ready to move across the country. Even writing this review right now is difficult. I understand completely all you people out there working on doing what you love and making a living. Costs of living is NOT going down! But hey, maybe more folks will want to get lost in books! lol Want to escape. That is where we come in! When return to Nova Scotia, I promised myself I would work on getting my murder mystery out there and another started and done. Who knows, the pace of life is much slower than BC, maybe I will! Remember you are not the only one juggling! So many people are! The only thing I can say is like on that movie Nemo...JUST KEEP SWIMMING! or in this case, just keep doing!!!! Good luck, I will be off here to get settled. Another adventure!
I just started creating an ebook of Lake of the Spirit Bear. I was side tracked and dragging my heels on it because it will look very different from the actual children's book however I was just on Facebook and clicked on an ad about a workshop a woman is giving on how to do two tiny hacks and use books she didn't even create to turn them into ebooks and give herself a 5 figure income! God, people simply do not have an morals at all any more!
Needless to say, I am going to get back to it and get my book Lake of the Spirit Bear out there as an Ebook. I will use Draft2Digital (not Draft2Design which is so close but something else! oops!), to get that book out there. Be damned if I am going to labour over a book and let someone with loose morals and slick with a click to take what I did and turn it into her income. Gad, yeck! Draft 2 Digital comes out of the UK and is a fast growing company who are working on their distribution platform. Who knows, I may even use them to do my murder mystery if it keeps improving the way it is. They even have a beta version for doing physical books in the works. Not sure I would go that far just yet, I know the head aches I had with Ingram Sparks! They seem pretty open to suggestions and if they can give you the option to chose a launch date or not, I might even consider it. Like Ingram Sparks though, right now they put deadlines on things I do NOT like. So just a heads up for all those folks like me, dragging their heels (and working all day!) to get a move on if they are considering making an ebook! Good luck! |
June 2024
AuthorArtist, Buddhist, Educator, Traveller, Cabinet Maker, kayaker, etc and now writer! |