I recently got an idea for a new children's book. While I am travelling, I cannot do much on it since my art supplies are in storage. If I can find a long term house sit, then I will have them mailed to me and get started.
The idea for my story I am not sharing. Why? That is an easy one. Every time I share my ideas, someone else uses them. If I go around receiving inspirational ideas and start sharing them, then I don't feel anymore it is anyone's fault but mine if they get used before I can use them! I think any sort of creative impulse or idea you get, is something to be thankful for and not willie nellie shared all over the place for more reasons and than just because of someone else taking it. I realized a long time ago, it is the idea that creates the spark that moves you forward into actually creating something. I have met so many artists who are really good, however they are dreamers and not doers! I began to look at what all these people including myself have in common. We are all communicators. We love to share and be didactic and just have a good time. I learned through my research however that if you keep an idea to yourself, then you get the satisfaction of the outcome. It is then you receive the praise, the fulfillment. If however you share the idea, then you get the outcome prematurely and it looses it's power to inspire since the incentive is no longer there. I am having this issue with my book. If I had exploded it onto the scene, and not had so many people involved, it wouldn't feel so anti-climatic now. I knew this could happen however due to my lack of confidence, I shared prematurely anyhow, and now have to slug through my edits spending a good deal of time procrastinating! Oh well, such is life! Live and learn. I will NOT make the same mistake with my children's books, and other projects. I shall manifest them into physical form BEFORE they get shared! Mind you, part of the sharing was because one of my inspirational friends was dying and I wanted her to see her name in print (even if it was a proof) before she passed which she did. It made her happy, so I think, it was worth it.
Recently I found a new editor who suggested I put my book all into present instead of past tense as a way of distancing myself as the writer from the main character. After going over her suggestions, I could see this is a good idea.
This murder mystery I am writing, really is already done. I had it done in 15 days once I put together the storyline and plot for myself. It has taken me on a journey of making mistakes in every aspect of it since I started out new to it all and really, was doing it because I was bored and tired of reading murder mysteries, and decided to write one instead. I have been in no rush to get the book done, plodding along putting things in place such as this blog, learning about what POD site I wanted to use and so on. I also have three other books in my head and one plotted out on paper. I am mulling over things I need which are coming to me as I go on this journey through life. I remember in high school my English teacher Mr. Huntley telling me that the best writers are ones who have lived. I am not sure if I have lived, however as I go through the book again much later now, I am amazed how little snips of it come from here and there in my life! If I had not lived with all the ordeals and trials I have known, if I had not experienced loss and betrayal and pain, my book definitely would not be the book it is. In Buddhism, Pema Chodron talks about how all the things about ourself is our wealth, well I guess in writing, all the shit we endure is also our wealth! I know without it, my book would not have hopefully the depth and colour it has. It isn't that I am a great writer, however there are parts of my book which are parts of my life. I thought to write them into the book because they have been written into my life. For instance there is one scene in the beginning of the book (so no spoilers!), where the protagonist senses an absence, that something is wrong. When I was 14 I went to the ancestral home of my grandparents to visit with the new owner. A woman who had become my mentor and best friend. She had Huntington's disease and we both knew it so I was prepared. I was an observant person, even then, and I recognized certain aspects of the house were wrong (having spent a good part of my childhood there, I would). I also felt that absence, and knew something was not right. I found her body lying between the bathroom and dining room, a gun by her side and blood. I am not a sucker for punishment so I looked away. What I wrote in my book is there because of that sense I had all those years ago. What happened and how did she die? Well, that is another tale! I am RB Morgan, and my last name is now hers. It wasn't always, however she made an impression and my name is a reminder to live every day as if it is your last. You can waste your life waiting for life to happen or you can go out and make it happen, just as I made this book happen and SOOO many other things in my life. Choice is ours. |
June 2024
AuthorArtist, Buddhist, Educator, Traveller, Cabinet Maker, kayaker, etc and now writer! |